Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I just think it will happen, soon

I'm on a little bit of a Philip Larkin kick here, lately. Don't worry -- it will pass, and we will return you to your regularly-scheduled swooning over T.S. Eliot, William Stafford and Ted Koozer.


Kathryn said...

I take my wryly depressing in the form of Auden. Larkin's really just too snarky and casually crude for me.

tracy said...

Swoon over Eliot?? Swoon?

the designated knitter said...

I know. I'm weird. But I just love the imagery. Plus, Eliot made me decide to learn to read Sanskrit so I could really *get* the Upanishads. And read all of The Golden Bough. And get interested in folklore. So, yeah...Burnt Norton, Little Gidding, Ash Wednesday...I'm afraid that I do swoon. My friends despair of me. The only thing I just won't read by TSE is "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats."

sunt_lacrimae_rerum said...

You don't need to make Larkin a passing phrase--turn him into a complete paragraph!

I can swoon over Larkin as well as anyone--"An Arundal Tomb," "Churchgoing", "MCMXIV," "At Grass", "Myxamatosis"--not much snarkery in these.

the designated knitter said...

Arma virumque cano... :-)

Kathryn said...

Fair enough, fair enough. Larkin makes me sad, though.

the designated knitter said...

well, that's sort of the point, I think. :-)

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A Microscopic Cog in a Catastrophic Plan by Laura Lorson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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